Adult Martial Arts Programs

We offer classes for every level. Doesn’t matter if you are just starting out or a seasoned pro. We are here for you!



Boxing Conditioning classes teach basic boxing skills and techniques and are designed to increase muscular strength and cardio endurance, making this class the perfect option to get shredded! Boxing Conditioning will include cardio calisthenics, shadow boxing, bag work and core strengthening exercises. You will sweat like crazy, build a rock solid core and burn hundreds of calories.


monday & wednesday: 7PM

Muay Thai

This Class covers the ancient art of 8 limbs. This class includes Muay Thai leg kicks, knees, elbows, and clinching

Classes : tues & thurs 5pm (15+)

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Learn to leverage personal strength to defeat any opponent, regardless of size, on the ground. Brazilian jiu-jitsu teaches specific grappling techniques. It’s also an intense full-body and full-contact workout. Expect to learn beneficial self-defense maneuvers while discovering a new way to improve fitness. Brazilian jiu-jitsu class includes education on respect for the art. It fosters skill fe discipline, and structure. BJJ is for anyone to learn and offers personalized attention for each student regardless of skill level.

Monday & Wednesday: 6:10PM

Tuesday & Thursday: 11:45AM; 7:10pm (Beginners JUDO)

Friday: 6:10PM (NO-Gi)

Saturday: 9:30AM (Judo)


Zenkei Ryu Karate is a hybrid martial art that has tremendous modern fighting application and is based on the realities of combatives and close quarter combat. It has roots in the formal practices of Okinawa and dating even further to the older practices of the fighting monks of ancient China. These martial arts have evolved and have been battle tested over the millennia and are presented in no nonsense approach, that will give the student an immediate self confidence while presenting a deep lifelong path of study and understanding.

Tuesday & Friday: 7:10PM